While hospitals may offer childbirth classes, it's crucial to recognize their limitations. Many hospital-based classes may not provide comprehensive, unbiased education. While some cover the basics, they often lack detailed information on the stages of physiological labor, options for natural and medicalized births, common interventions, coping strategies, and comfort measures.

Below are a few of my recommended classes available online, virtual, or in person. All of which include some sort of lactation/breastfeeding education. If you have questions or prefer private classes with your doula please ask.

Suggested Childbirth Education Classes

Birth Boot Camp (online)

Choose from four online classes that are recorded live and available to you on-demand for 12 months. These classes are comprehensive, giving you the knowledge and tools needed to navigate your unique birth experience with confidence.

Hypnobirthing (live virtual)

While this class will give you the primary tool of hypnosis to navigate your birth you will also learn the physiology and birth basics needed to navigate your unique experience.

BirthEd (in-person or live virtual)

Choose from a variety of class options taught by local Minnesota instructors/doulas to give you knowledge and tools to navigate your birth as it unfolds.