From Doula to Mama: My Unscripted Birth Journey – Part One
An unconventional beginning to a beautiful labor and birth!
*Disclosure: I will use details to not forget my unique experience.
It all began on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 one day after my husband Jarrod’s birthday—the day he had hoped to share with our baby.
Around noon we both decided to work out; I had been consistently doing Body Ready Method exercises since early in my second trimester. As I was nearing 40 weeks, I was doing everything I could to encourage our baby into a good position and to initiate labor: craniosacral/myofascial release, massage, acupressure, chiropractic care, and so on. However, being a doula and a first-time mom, I knew we’d likely be nearly 42 weeks pregnant before meeting our sweet baby.
I had just completed the 11.5-minute birth ball class when I decided [I needed] to pee before starting the next exercise. It was during this trip to the bathroom that I experienced the loss of my mucus plug, which for me came out in a large, firm, snot-like piece, validating my suspicions that I had been losing smaller bits in the days leading up to this.
I called out to Jarrod, “Can you bring me my phone? I lost my mucus plug.” I wanted to take a photo for documentation purposes.
Then, while washing my hands, I felt a gush—something different from the normal pregnancy discharge I had experienced previously. I didn’t want either of us to get our hopes up that labor was near, so I downplayed what was happening.
I took a photo and sent it to my midwives to confirm. Even a seasoned doula needs confirmation of these things.
We all suspected this was a small leak, and time would tell whether it was my waters or not. I settled onto the couch to get some rest, hoping that when I stood up, there would be a definitive gush of water; unfortunately, that didn’t happen.
I leisurely moved through the rest of the day and headed to the chiropractor at 5:30 pm to further prepare my body and encourage change. It wasn’t until 6:20 pm, while I was cleaning out my car, that I experienced another gush; this time it was running down my leg despite having a small pad on. I walked into the house and asked Jarrod if he saw what I saw; he did and asked if this meant labor was starting, and I brushed it off, not wanting to get our hopes up since I wasn’t feeling contractions yet.
Again, I sent a photo to my midwives because the color of the fluid was a pea soup green, which likely indicated that meconium was present. At the time, I was confused, as I was unsure if it was my mucus plug or actual amniotic fluid since it didn’t present itself the way I “thought” it should. However, looking back, it was my mucus plug and water releasing together.
I was 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant.
The next morning, I informed my team that I was feeling good, but no notable progress had been made.
Over the next few days, we simply waited, and I was fairly certain that my water hadn’t broken since I hadn’t experienced any further leaking. However, we still took precautions; my midwife Jen came over on Thursday to listen to our baby, who sounded great. I felt movements, I didn’t have a fever, and overall, I felt good!
We continued to guess when labor would start, as our family has significant June dates that our baby could potentially share—birthdays, memorial days, and holidays.
Sunday, June 16th, which also happened to be Father's Day, came in fiery hot! It was nearly 90 degrees with sunny skies, and I said, “I’m feeling extra pregnant today.”
We took the day for ourselves to go on walks and rest indoors. Our afternoon walk took us in a new direction—I moved a bit slower and held my belly more, unknowingly doing lifts and tucks. I was in a good headspace and didn’t think labor would start for another week. We ended our day with one final walk just before sunset so Jarrod could fish for a bit. As we made our way home, I enjoyed the cooler air as the sun lowered in the sky.
After dinner, we sat down to watch TV. Around 10 pm, I remember thinking, “These cramps seem to have a pattern.” So I quietly started timing them.
From 10:19 pm to 11:09 pm I had six contractions that were averaging ten minutes apart lasting for one minute. I told Jarrod that I was going to get ready for bed, took one last bump photo, and fell asleep for a few hours.
I kept this news to myself as I didn’t want to get hopes up and thought things would stop once I got to bed. However, once Jarrod came to bed he asked why I was breathing heavily and I casually mentioned that I was having contractions.
I was 100% in denial!
Now Monday, June 17th.
Officially 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant, and entering day five since my water ruptured with no leaking present since June 12th.
I slept from about midnight until 3 am, which I’m really grateful for! My biggest worry was a hospital transfer for therapeutic pain management due to exhaustion.
I began timing contractions again at 3:13 am while lying in bed, dozing off between each wave. It went something like this…
Tap start, deep inhale through my nose hot exhale through my mouth
Tap end, sleep
Tap start, deep inhale through my nose hot exhale through my mouth
Tap end, sleep
This pattern continued for 20 minutes before I decided to get up, although it felt much longer. I texted my midwives at 3:33 am to share that I was having consistent contractions occurring every 4-5 minutes, lasting 60 seconds, and accompanied by low abdominal cramping with some heaviness in my bottom.
Jarrod asked what I was doing, and I replied, "I think I'm in labor." I told him to go back to sleep and headed into the bathroom, where I called Joanna at 3:44 am with an update and informed her I would check in again in about an hour after my shower.
Thankfully, we have a stand-up shower with a built-in seat. While the warm water felt incredible, I couldn't comfortably sit, which contributed to a shorter-than-desired shower. I believe I slowly got myself out of the shower around 4 am, which is when I texted my photographer Molly to give her a heads-up, as she had an hour's drive.
I was cozied up in a bathrobe, trying to rest through and between contractions on the upstairs couch, careful not to wake Jarrod. On one trip to the bathroom, I remember grabbing a scrunchie that I thought matched my bra quite well.
At 4:56 am, I called my midwife Joanna to let her know I was ready for them to start heading our way. She informed me that Jen would likely be the first to arrive. Molly, my photographer, had told me around the same time that she was on her way – I was so thankful that people were making these decisions without much help from me, as I was still a bit uncertain if labor was progressing.
I did, however, make the time to inform people where to park with a detailed text message and screenshot to map where to park and have Jarrod open the garage door (the fastest route inside) since it was likely raining.
By 6 am, Jen, the student midwife, and Molly, my photographer, had arrived.
It was a rainy and very humid day (85%).
Next up…
part two of my birth story! More details and more photos captured by Molly from Page Photography.